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A Semi-autobiographical Comedy

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“It’s a…kind of unreliable memoir.” That’s how David Henry Hwang all-too-accurately labeled his bracing and hilarious 2007 play Yellow Face, which recounted a pivotal moment in his cultural awareness. The story, which mixes fact with fiction, starts in 1990, when Hwang—the first Asian American playwright to win a Tony—is among the highest profile artists to protest the casting of Welsh actor Jonathan Pryce in an Asian role in the musical Miss Saigon. But when Hwang begins work on a new play based on the controversy (or does he?), he inadvertently hires a white actor for a key Asian role. To protect his reputation as an Asian-American role model, Hwang invents a fake background for his star.

The resulting debacle spreads much further than he could foresee, and forces him to re-evaluate just how much of a champion for his culture he truly is. Hwang pulls no punches, naming names, and not letting himself off the hook.

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Creation Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 23:07:59 +0200
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Yellow Face - A Semi-autobiographical Comedy [B0CS1RBFW2].m4b 95.95 MBs
File Size: 95.95 MBs
Piece Size: 512 KBs
Comment: Updated by AudioBook Bay
Info Hash: b4cd2f20cf952ec4f44cd0b7ca8c1d8f06a7e142
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